
Change is hard.

Behavioral science tells us that people usually change for one of two reasons.

1. Inspiration – We see something out there and begin to wonder if we could achieve it… wonder about the possibility of having it too.

2. Desperation – We are in so much pain, we HAVE to make a change. We are lost and forced to change direction.

Even though I started this website to inspire people to change, to prevent chronic disease before it starts, most people that have approached me in the past are desperate. They’re already sick. Their forest has burned down, and now they have to change.

Either way, it takes a great amount of courage to change, to be that honest. You have to take a real look at your life and believe that you can do something new. Some need convincing in the beginning, but everyone has the power to change their life. Yes, you too can have a real impact on your reality.

I help people change and impact their health through diet and stress management. (Those are two things that are at the root cause of most disease in this country.) But no matter what needs to shift, I have found that there’s 3 rules to follow when starting out.

1. Be honest – Spend some time reflecting on exactly what needs to change. Write it down. If there’s several items, put them in order of importance. Put sticky notes in various spots around the house or workplace for reminders. The clearer the signs, the easier it will be for you to head down the right path.

2. Start small – Think big, but start small. Stay focused on the steps you can take today while never losing sight of the destination. I know that when you’re sick and tired, some changes seem insurmountable, but trust me, little changes add up quickly. Let there be progress over perfection. Just start somewhere. And please remember that starting small does not mean living small. I want you to live large. That’s the whole point of all of this; it’s time you show up in a big way.

3. Establish community & connection – Clarity comes from engagement not thought. Don’t live in your head. Talk to those closest to you and make sure they know what it is that you want to achieve. Find those that will support you and stay engaged. If it is your health that you’re trying to change feel free to engage with me on social media. I get inspired by clients all of the time, and there is so much we can learn from each other.

Another small step I’d like to mention here – It’s on the topic of self-care. There has to be some amount of self-care in order to be motivated to change. Remember those sticky notes? Try putting one on the mirror in your bathroom that reads “I Love You.” Then look yourself in the eye everyday and say those words out loud. It will change your life!

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