Your genes are not your destiny.
Epigenetics (meaning “above genetics”) is an exciting field of research and is a term used to refer to changes that are not due to alterations in DNA sequence, rather, modifications that alter DNA accessibility and chromatin structure, thereby regulating patterns of gene expression. Simply put, how our genes express themselves is influenced by lifestyle choices; our diet and other factors can turn genes on and turn genes off, even the ones that determine our health.
All of our cells contain DNA, but it alone doesn’t know how to act without direction. Epigenetic markers provide that direction and tell our cells how to read the genetic code. The genetic code stays the same throughout our life, but it’s the epigenetic markers that can change and are influenced by our lifestyle choices.
The following picture is an example of the exact same DNA under the influence of different diets. Not only was the coat color affected, but the one on the left is obese and prone to cancer and diabetes. The one on the right is thin and healthy. You can find out more about this research here.
Food is so much more than calories and energy. It is information for your cells. Certain plant phytochemicals appear to be some of the major influencers on the epigenetic markers and can affect our metabolism, immune function, and response to stress, all of which contribute to the development of disease. In the past, epigenetic studies mainly focused on embryonic development, aging, and cancer. However, the field has expanded to show lifestyle influences on inflammation, obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and immune diseases.
I often get asked, “Are you telling me that my (disease) is my fault?” My response is this: It is not about blame or shame. It’s about acknowledging what we now know. It’s about taking your power back. There’s no doubt that the daily choices in your diet, how much you move, how you manage stress, and the amount of loving human connections you make can determine your ability to prevent and fight disease.
The exciting thing is — everyday, with every bite, with every choice, you can contribute to your health. Choose wisely. Choose lovingly. Choose you!
Your entire site is so beautiful and so well done! You have rejuvenated me. I was on a wellness eating plan for a couple of years, but this past year, I have totally lost it. I went back to drinking pepsi and feel guilty about it everyday. It is so hard to give up, but I know I should and your site and information is just what I need to get started again. Thank you. I’m so happy for you and so excited for you!
Wishing you the very best!
Thank you for the kind words, Gwen. I am excited beyond…
You inspire me as well. Try to let all of the guilt go – that is just as damaging as the Pepsi. Don’t demand perfection; just do your best everyday.
Here’s to a new start-